Löschen Ads by aura from Windows 2000 : Blockieren Ads by aura
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0x0000001D, Error 0x80072EE2, 0x80244018 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN Same as HTTP status 403 - server understood the request, but declined to fulfill it., 0x00000025, 0x8024D00B WU_E_SETUP_BLOCKED_CONFIGURATION Windows Update Agent could not be updated because the system is configured to block the update., 0x80240037 WU_E_NOT_SUPPORTED The functionality for the operation is not supported., 0x80248001 WU_E_DS_INUSE An operation failed because the data store was in use., 0x80242014 WU_E_UH_POSTREBOOTSTILLPENDING The post-reboot operation for the update is still in progress., 0x80242011 WU_E_UH_TOOMANYDOWNLOADREQUESTS The update handler has exceeded the maximum number of download requests., 0x80248009 WU_E_DS_MISSINGREF The data store is missing required information or has a reference to missing license terms, file, localized property or linked row., 0xf0827 CBS_E_STACK_SHUTDOWN_REQUIRED servicing stack updated, aborting, 0x000000DF, 0x00000014, 0x80244035 WU_E_PT_ECP_FILE_LOCATION_ERROR External cab processor was unable to get file locations., 0x00000067, 0x000000CB, 0xf0813 CBS_E_INVALID_INSTALL_STATE install state value not acceptable, 0x80244021 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY Same as HTTP status 502 - the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.