Helfen zu Löschen VirTool:Win64/DefenderTamperingRestore
VirTool:Win64/DefenderTamperingRestore ist verantwortlich für die Verursachung dieser Fehler auch!
0xf081C CBS_E_EXCESSIVE_EVALUATION Watchlist: not able to reach steady state after too many attempts., 0x8024C002 WU_E_DRV_NOPROP_OR_LEGACY A property for the driver could not be found. It may not conform with required specifications., 0xf081F CBS_E_SOURCE_MISSING source for package or file not found, ResolveSource() unsuccessful, 0x000000A3, 0x8024001E WU_E_SERVICE_STOP Operation did not complete because the service or system was being shut down., 0xC0000218, 0x80244032 WU_E_PT_ECP_INVALID_METADATA External cab processor found invalid metadata., 0x80244010 WU_E_PT_EXCEEDED_MAX_SERVER_TRIPS The number of round trips to the server exceeded the maximum limit., 0x80243FFE WU_E_WUCLTUI_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION Unsupported version of WU client UI exported functions., 0x80244035 WU_E_PT_ECP_FILE_LOCATION_ERROR External cab processor was unable to get file locations., 0x8024002D WU_E_SOURCE_ABSENT A full-file update could not be installed because it required the source., 0x80248011 WU_E_DS_UNABLETOSTART Could not create a data store object in another process., 0x000000CE, 0x00000121, 0x0000005F, 0x80248005 WU_E_DS_INVALIDTABLENAME A table could not be opened because the table is not in the data store., 0x00000037, 0x8024C003 WU_E_DRV_REG_MISMATCH The registry type read for the driver does not match the expected type., 0x000000AB